This film encourages Egyptian women to unite with one another, in order to have honest and personal about their intimate lives. Through their individual narratives/ voices one can see how lack of sexual education, shame and fear triggered by their societies have led to tragic consequences for these women, such as life in oppression. The bigger picture informs that they have the right to ask about their sexual concerns, they are not overstepping their cultural, religious, or societal prospects by doing so and therefore by connecting with other women will give them the strength to keep going, instead of giving up.  The visual language, investigates the representation of middle eastern women, through achieve footage as well as my own.

Integrating the final film into my interactive website, provides an active platform/solution to reflect and trigger a discourse, by engaging a multitude of women to empower each other. By listening, facilitating, and transforming their interviews into a larger female discourse, I am giving the voiceless a voice, for a bigger communal purpose rather than solely for themselves. Therefore, as a female director from an Arabic and European background through a larger scope my practise contributes to the movement of self-representation to reject the false representation that a male-dominant world has formed of us throughout centuries